dr. Jacek Zydorowicz

Jacek Zydorowicz

Jacek Zydorowicz PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Research on Art and Culture in the Institute of Cultural Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. His research interests include modern art, visual art and alternative art. He is an author of the book Artystyczny wirus. Polska sztuka krytyczna wobec przemian kultury po 1989 roku [Artistic virus. The Polish critical art and the transformations of culture after 1989] (Warsaw 2005), he is a co-editor of the book Sztuka współczesna i jej filozoficzne komentarze [Modern art and its philosophical commentaries] (Poznań 2004, eds. T. Kostyrko, G. Dziamski, J. Zydorowicz), and he co-edited the volume O wstręcie i wstydzie [On disgust and shame], Studia Kulturoznawcze no. 1(2)/2012 (eds. Jacek Zydorowicz, Sylwia Szykowna). In addition, he has published widely in cross-disciplinary fields, such as  art, terrorism and religiousness, e.g. in Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts and in Przegląd Religioznawczy.

contact: jazy@amu.edu.pl